Tuesday, 14 April 2020

B.1.A and B.2.1.A students: For Your Information

In case you didn't join our last online class, that's the way we're working:

  • On Tuesdays and Thursdays: email + blog post (class content).
  • On Tuesdays: speaking sessions (you need to send me an email with the names of the people who want to join in: in groups of 2/3).
  • On Thursdays: online class (everybody together: new grammar/writing/mediation points, explanations, doubts, group activities, etc...).

See you later:)


  1. Thanks Sylvie for our zoom session of today, it's a great method to keep learning by interacting with other colleagues (thank you Pili also).

    1. Thanks for your energy and effort! We'll make it:)

  2. Thanks Sylvie, whithout you this wouldn´t be possible, you make things easier.

  3. Thanks for being there, working and smiling! Yes we can!!!


A1 English revision before the exam:) IMPORTANT INFORMATION

 IMPORTANT DAYS: * Reading, Listening and writing: Tuesday  May 9th , 9h30 aula 1 * Speaking: Thursday  May 11th (I sent you the list with ...