Friday, 21 May 2010

NA2 (May, 17th-21st)

Unit 8: reading, speaking, listenings & vocabulary ex. 1, 2
Listening and speaking practice for the exam

Remember to join the party on the 25th:
Talk at 6.p.m. "The English: shopping, in the kitchen and at the table!" (room 8)
Party downstairs: Karaoke and cooking contest at 7 p.m. (entrance hall)

Over 2 U:
Exam practice:
Some more recipes:


  1. Hi everybody!

    Some of the students of NAV2 have thought to have a dinner the day of the exam. If you want to join us, we will go to "Chacabuco, C/Londres)" after the exam.

    Have a nice week!


  2. Nobody told me there was a Karaoke contest underway. You knew I would have won it! :-) Shame on you! (Kisses)


A1 English revision before the exam:) IMPORTANT INFORMATION

 IMPORTANT DAYS: * Reading, Listening and writing: Tuesday  May 9th , 9h30 aula 1 * Speaking: Thursday  May 11th (I sent you the list with ...