Monday 16 March 2020

B.2.1.A. March 17th (online Session 2)

Good morning everyone! How are you doing? Life is changing so much these days, isn't it?
But our classes won't:)

Let me first check what I asked you to do:
Writing: I've got some job application letters, but not all...please send them to me ASAP.
Speaking"To what extent has coronavirus changed our lives? What about our working conditions?". I asked you to tell one of your classmates about it. Did you do it? Please let me know how it went. Did you agree? Did you have different ideas?

Then, let's correct the grammar, p. 136 (I'll send you the key by email) +
- page. 62 ex. 2: 1)a, 2)g, 3)c, 4)e, 5)b, 6)f, 7)d, 8)h.
- page 62 ex. 3: present a,c,d,f,h and past: b,e,g
- page 62 ex. 4: 1) must, 2)is/are allowed to, 3. can't, 4. should, 5. must
- page 63 ex. 6: 1) can, 2)couldn't, 3) had to, 4) don't have to, 5) can't, 6) have to, 7) shouldn't, 8) needed
- page. 63 ex. 8: 1. had to, 2.could, 3. couldn't, 4. had to, 5. needed to, 6. could, 7. wasn't allowed to, 8. didn't have to.
For further practice, click on:
And click on for a video that explains it in a different way.

- So as to finish unit 5, here is some listening: That's the TED TALK you have in unit 5D Regina Hartley Why the best hire might not have.... Watch it and do the activities on page 64-65 ex. 1, 2,4,6,7.

- Our "speaking time" will be devoted to ORAL MEDIATION. I've created a new padlet where I have published a post with a task. Click on Take a watch and time yourselves: you've got 3 minutes to take notes and then record your voice with the online voice recorder and then post your recording with your name and group (for example: B.2.1.A. Sylvie, B.2.1.A. Elisa, B..2.1.A. Iván) and then I will send you some feedback.

- You can post a comment on this post if you want.

- Reading exam practice: I've sent you an email with a gapped text: "The Sweet taste of Success". Please do it for next class and I'll give you the key then.
- A short piece of writing: page 63 ex 10-3. You don't need to send it to me. You need to send it to one of your classmates and they will try to guess the job you're describing.

1 comment:

  1. OK perfect. I will post it in my next entry.
    Careful Raúl, we don't say "you must"'s very bossy:) You'd rather say "Can you post...Could you send us...".
    Thanks for telling me about the comments on the blog. I see that we've sorted this out and that it works now:)


A1 English revision before the exam:) IMPORTANT INFORMATION

 IMPORTANT DAYS: * Reading, Listening and writing: Tuesday  May 9th , 9h30 aula 1 * Speaking: Thursday  May 11th (I sent you the list with ...